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10 Ways to Declutter Without Going Minimalist

A tidy, organized home doesn't have to be lacking in personality. Here's how to keep on top of clutter while retaining that personal touch.


Work Smarter: 8 Ways to Boost Focus in a Home Office

Household distractions may be diverting your mental energy. Turn off the TV and tune in to these ideas for improving attention.


Your Space Can Help You Get Down to Work. Here's How.

Feed your creativity and reduce distractions with the right work surfaces, the right chair, and a good balance of sights and sounds.


How to Organize Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Rethink your nightstands, TV, once-worn clothing and more for restful nights of slumber.


Want to Streamline Your Life? Get a System.

Reduce stress and free up more time for the things that really matter by establishing specific procedures for everyday tasks.


Working at Home Together (and Apart)

One is easy. Two, not so much. Here are ways to make room for two to work at home

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